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Eric’s Sausage and Herb Stuffing

November 28, 2015 |

Eric’s Sausage and Herb Stuffing is great with turkey, chicken and pork. Make sure and dry the bread the final results are worth the effort.Read More

Cornbread Dressing

November 25, 2015 |

Cornbread Dressing is so good you wish you made a double batch. Sweet from the pepper and onions the flavor of each ingredient combines for a great flavor.Read More

Thousand Island Salad Dressing

October 13, 2015 |

This Thousand Island Salad Dressing is Sweet, Tangy and Creamy I love this stuff.Read More

Texas Honey Mustard

December 29, 2013 |

This mustard is great on just about anything. Chicken tenders, broccoli bites, or salads. Tastes great immediately but best if allowed to sit for a couple of days prior to serving.Read More

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